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Family of Rome, that already appeared in century III a.C.. It had belonged to some personages notables. The life of some of its members is portraied by Greek historian PLUTARCHUS, in the workmanship " Lives Paralelas"(1). We line up below the biographies of its two main representatives with sight to the objectives of this genealogy. |
The remote origin, until the registered moment, date of the republic Roman, descending of a member of noble family FLAMINIA, who had increased to its name the suffix " - anus ", resulting FLAMINIANUS, later FLAMMIGNANO, possibly with intercalated form FLOMIGNANO, later FLUMIGNANO / FLUMIANO. Filológicas alterations had continued in the friulana region, for influence of the previous Gallic domain in years 776/899, with the fall of the vowel " ", having today FLUMIGNAN / FLUMIAN as two of its branches of great expression. Inhabiting its members in all the northern region of the Italian territory, divided that it was in stand alone provinces, after the unification, force of the intestinas wars and the faced economic difficulties then, some of its members had been engaged in the emigratório movement, come for Brazil, United States, Canada, Argentina, France, Australia, Mônaco, where we cheat to discover its numerous descendants. Located, as said, since long ages in the northern region of Italy, the family loaned its name to a commune today integrated in the Province of Údine, whose name comes cited for the first time in a document of 23 of August of 1311 ("of Flumignano "), that it constitutes one of its great historical landmarks. One of the triúnviros charged of the foundation of Aquiléia about year 181 B.c., and of the land distribution is thought that commune FLUMIGNANO, then in bigger extension, consisted of one old possession of Latin consul GAIUS FLAMINIUS NEPOS, (geiras) its legionaries, according to a plan preset politician. It is probable, as historical hypothesis, that GAIUS, in the distribution of the geiras, has remained in the place today assigned by the name of the family, therefore is not known of its rollback to Rome for new public offices. In face of such data, that is seen that the FLUMIGNANO history is narrowly on to the old Aquiléia colony, of is next. Deepened historical and archaeological studies more will be able to lead to the evidence accomplish of this thesis, if not being able to olvidar that they are passed nothing less than 2.177 years of our age. Work this for the pósteros of our millenarian family. Necessary data on this migratory movement of the branches of the family are told in the book " the Centenarian of the Flumignan Family of Brazil - 1897/1997 ".
GAIUS FLAMINIUS, consul 232 a 217 a.C. Important sponsor of the expansion Roman in the north of Italy, GAIUS FLAMINIUS was distinguished as the only serious challenge to the authority of the Senate in the 150 years that had preceded the year of 133 a.C. The popular bracket of ample bases helped it, during all its career, to fight the constant opposition of the senators and to reach position of prominence in Rome. The posterior historical tradition classified it as irresponsible demagogue and tended to depreciate its accomplishments. The hostility and the popular bracket had had origin in the law design that it defended while tribuno (232 a.C.). This design distributed public lands of Rome, close to Rímini (Ariminium), technical unemployed people, to a great number of Roman citizens. It was criticized violently by the Senate and later, unjustly, defendant to provoke the gaulesa invasion of 225. In 223 a.C., while consul, FLAMINIUS counterattacked the gauleses through the river Dust and despite the blockage of the Senate, she marked one I try for its successes. When he occupied the censor position (220a.C.), FLAMINIUS authorizeed the construction of CIRCUS FLAMINIUS in Rome and famous WAY FLAMÍNIA, that bound to Rome the Rímini, thus consolidating, its previous agreements and extending already the considerable influence that exerted in this area. FLAMINIUS conquered another important clientele in Sicily, therefore in 227, he was the first justice of the peace to govern this province. Its military reputation assured its election for as a consulate (217 a.C.), so that it faced the ANÍBAL invasion; but FLAMINIUS died fighting close to the Trasimeno Lake, after having fallen together with its army, in an enormous ambush prepared for ANÍBAL (1). One another biography describes the life of GAIUS FLAMINIUS as General Roman, head of the popular party, family FLAMÍNIA, died in 217 a.C.. Tribuno of the common people in 232, coseguiu, despite the opposition of " optimates ", that the conquered territory of the gauleses in the Piceno, through bloody fights in years 225 the 222, was distributed between the plebeians. Nominated justice of the peace in 227, it received the Province from Sicily, that it managed of democratic form. In 223 it got the Consulate with PUBLIUS FURIUS PHILUS and the command of the army was trusted it that had to fight the gauleses in the occasion where the Romans finished to defeat ínsubres together the Adda. Not obstante, the Senate, without that if it knew the cause, annulled the nomination, however FLAMÍNIO ignored this resolution until the end of the campaign and alone later if it presented to the Senate, that formulated an accusation against it, but the people granted to it would honor them of the triumph. In 221 she was head of the military service of dictator M.minucius RUFUS, however both had been put down because áugure foretold that they would fail in the company. In 221 if censor and in the performance of this position chose if he detached, among others things, for the construction of the CIRCUS FLAMINIUS and the way, with the same name that, leaving of Rome, took the Ariminium, in the Adriatic coast. Much estimated by the people, magnified its popularity supporting in 218, the proposal of Tribuno QUINTUS CLAUDIUS that it forbade to the Senators to dedicate any commercial business to it. Reeleito consul in 217, received the incumbency to fight ANÍBAL and was white of great censures because, when leaving for its destination, it omitted the religious ceremonies that usually were celebrated in similar cases, led to this, perhaps, for the urgency to leave. Without you calculate forces of the enemy, it was launchn imprudently in its persecution in the neighborhoods of the Trasimeno Lake if it established a battle in which had perished FLAMINIUS and most of its soldiers (1) (2).
GAIUS FLAMINIUS NEPOS : Its son GAIUS was judge of SCIPIO AFRICANUS in Spain in 210 a.C. and councilman curul in 196 (bigger city council, the one that gives the right to use of the called chair " curulis "). The sicilianos, in homage its father, had delivered a great amount to it of wheat, that it distributed cheap for the people. Justice of the peace in 193, if puted in charge government to it of Spain Citerior (the territorial subdivision next to Rome) where got some military successes and annexed Litabrum. In 185 she was consul, together with MANLIUS EMILIUS LEPIDUS and and nviado to the Ligúria, was successful there to " triniates " and the " apuanos ", constructing in that region a way since Bologna to the Aretium, while that LÉPIDO drew out of Ariminium to the Piacenza (Florença) the way opened for the first FLAMINIUS. He participated of the in charge triunvirato of the foundation of AQUILÉIA in 181 (3).
Credit for translators : Dea Brun da Soledade Lima (special thanks)
1) No verbete PLUTARCHUS, da Grande Enciclopédia Delta Larousse, 1973, tomo 12, lê-se que o livro VIDAS PARALELAS reúne 46 biografias de 23 gregos ilustres e 23 romanos ilustres, paralelizando suas experiências, méritos e virtudes. PLUTARCO viveu de 50 a 125 d.C. Suas obras estão cheias de informações importante que, sem elas, estariam definitavemente perdidas, diz o verbete. |
2) Dados biográficos coligidos do livro QUEM FOI QUEM NA ROMA ANTIGA, de DIANA BOWDER, Art. Editora Ltda., São Paulos-SP. s/d, p.122. |
3) Dados biográficos coligidos da Enciclopédia Universal Ilustrada Europeo-Americana, Tomo XXIV, Edit.Espasa-Calpe S/A, Madrid, s/d, pp. 2-3 |
4) A jeira é uma medida agrária que varia conforme o país, de 19 a 36 hectares. Tem-se também a jeira como área de terreno que uma junta de bois podia lavrar num dia. Não se conhece com absoluta exatidão as medidas romanas, apesar de muitas conservaram as atuais equivalências. No Diciionário del Mundo Clássico, de P.IGNACIO ERRANDONEA, S.I., 1954, Editorial Labor S/A, Tomo II, p.1074, está que o iogerum ou arpenta era constituído por uma superfície de 240 pés de comprimento por 120 de largura. |
5) Nome anterior FLAMMIGNANO, Cf. a Enciclopédia Universal acima citada, Tomo V (Apêndice), p.302, verbis: FLAMMIGNANO, povoado da Itália, na prov. e circ. de Téramo, munic. de Tossica, 250 habitantes. |